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This project is up for adoption. I'm looking for eager people to maintain this.
Please open a discussion if you are interested!


When diving into Vite, I found myself having a friendly debate with what the get started with Vite guide suggests.
It's purely a matter of taste, and I mean no disrespect to the authors.

If you peek at the latest Fable docs, you'll notice this snippet at the end:

dotnet fable watch --run npx vite

Now, that's where my preferences raise an eyebrow. For nearly everything else in Vite, whether it's JSX, TypeScript, Sass, or Markdown, I find myself typing npm run dev. (or even bun run dev, cheers to Bun for that!)
You know, the command that summons vite, the proclaimed Next Generation Frontend Tooling.

I'm of the opinion (brace yourselves, hot take incoming) that integrating Fable with frontend development should align as closely as possible with the broader ecosystem. Vite is a star in the frontend universe, with a user base dwarfing that of F# developers. It makes sense to harmonize with their flow, not the other way around.

bun run dev

I absolutely recognize and respect the legacy of Fable. It's a veteran in the scene, predating Vite, so I get the historical reasons for its current approach.
But that doesn't mean I can't cheer for evolution and a bit of change, right?


Type something to start searching.