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Current status

At present, this project is my personal playground. Like any open-source initiative, the code is open for perusal – and that's the primary expectation to set.

What works?

So far, I've managed to run and build my Telplin project locally. It's a promising start, though it's not yet primed for broader use. This project does support Fable plugins, but compatibility with other projects isn't assured.

What is published?

A first package was pushed to npm. This was merely to reserve the package name.

Own aspirations

I'm looking to incorporate this into a few of my ventures, like Fantomas tools, and I'm intrigued by the potential integration with Astro projects and the inclusion of simple scripts.

The roadmap

This project is a sporadic labor of love. Progress is steady but unhurried, with significant intervals between updates. I am committed to seeing this through, convinced of its substantial value. Yet, there's an air of 'memento mori' – it's a passion project that could fade at any moment.

Everything else

Heads up, folks! The GitHub issue tracker is off the grid. Why, you ask? This isn't just another code repository. It's a journey, a chunk of my life carved into digital form. Sure, the code's there for you, open and free. But my time? That's a different story. I've poured years into these skills, building, breaking, learning. So, I'm channeling my energy into the code, not endless chats.

Got something sharp, a genuine gem of a contribution? I'm all about that. Throw a PR my way. Let's get the conversation rolling with some real, in-depth code talk. Show me you've got the game, that you're not just passing through.

And if you're thinking, "Hey, I need this guy on my side," then we're talking business, my friend.
Hit me up for some contracting work. That's the signal to me that you're serious, ready to invest in making something awesome together.


Type something to start searching.