There are a few things you can configure in the plugin configuration.
Alternative fsproj
By default, the plugin will look for a single .fsproj
file inside the folder that holds your vite.config.js
If you deviate from this setup you can specify the entry fsproj
Using React
There are a couple of ways to deal with React and JSX in Fable.
⚠️ When using the vite-plugin-fable
in combination with @vitejs/plugin-react
, you do want to specify the fable plugin first! ⚠️
If you are using Feliz.CompilerPlugins, Fable output React Classic Runtime code.
Stuff like React.createElement
. You will need to tailor your @vitejs/plugin-react
Note that the react
plugin will only apply the fast-refresh wrapper when you specify the fs
extension in the include
Fable can also produce JSX (see blog). In this case, you need to tell the fable
plugin it should transform the JSX using Babel.
The @vitejs/plugin-react
won't interact with any .fs
files, so that transformation needs to happen in the fable
Note that you will still need to tweak the react
plugin with include
to enable the fast refresh transformation.
Plain Fable.React
If you are for some reason using Fable.React without Feliz.CompilerPlugins, there is one gotcha to get fast refresh working.
will use the old JSX output.
The @vitejs/plugin-react
needs to respect that in the configuration:
However, this is not enough for the fast refresh wrapper to be added.
⚠️ The React plugin will specifically look for a import React from "react"
module Component
open Fable.React
open Fable.React.Props
// Super important for fast refresh to work in "classic" mode.
// The [<ReactComponent>] attribute from Feliz.CompilerPlugin will add for you.
// But here, we are not using that and we need to add this ourselves.
Fable.Core.JsInterop.emitJsStatement () "import React from \"react\""
let App () =
let counterHook = Hooks.useState(0)
div [] [
h1 [] [ str "Hey you!" ]
p [] [
ofInt counterHook.current
button [ OnClick (fun _ -> counterHook.update(fun c -> c + 1))] [
str "Increase"